Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Separated at Birth?

Well we've all got Jazz Fever! Andrew loves to wear this little ensemble which he calls his "Boozers." Truth be told, the resemblance is uncanny. When he wears this, I often have to do a double-take before I realize that it is Andrew and not Carlos Boozer playing in the sandbox or walking out of the preschool. GO, JAZZ!!


Allison said...

I love that the basketball takes up 1/4 of Andrew's body. He's so cute.

Johnson Family said...

Definitely could be twins, we can't wait to see Andrew on the court. Hopefully he'll bring the Jazz good luck tonight!!

Stephanie said...

I am a little embarrased to admit this, but I can't figure out which one is Andrew...they look identical. Could you label your posts better so I can tell them apart? thanks!