Thursday, March 12, 2009

E-bay, here we come!

Remember that lady that found a Dorito shaped like the Pope's hat and sold it on e-bay for thousands of dollars? Andrew started screaming today while we were eating lunch. He was so excited that his quesadilla is an exact replica of Pikachu! He begged me to take a picture and put it on the blog.

We're gonna be RICH!!


Dirk Handlebar said...

Wow. That's pretty cool.

wende said...

that IS pretty cool. i love how he has a tail and everything. how will you decide what to start the bidding at?

Allison said...

That is awesome. I'm going to start looking at my food before I shovel it into my gullet.

Allison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Allison said...

That DELETED COMMENT was from me! Sorry. I accidently duplicated my preveious comment... and then I got rid of it. And now I'm commenting AGAIN to explain. Ok, I'll leave you alone now.

El Jeffe and the Girls said...

love it.
