Friday, July 31, 2009

You go, Girl!

I just want to give a shout out to all the strong women out there! If there's one thing that girls do, it's stick together. I know we can get catty and horrible, but when one of our sisters is in trouble, girls know they can depend on each other.
So, yesterday, Mandy's car broke down on the freeway in Bountiful. I threw Joey in the car and ran down to help, but I was sure that by the time I arrived, someone else would have pulled over and helped her. I got there and she had been there for about 20 minutes. We pulled my car farther onto the shoulder next to her and lifted up the hoods to jump hers. Then, it died again, and she had to call a tow truck. Baby Bella was totally covered with sweat from sitting in the hot car in 100 degree weather, so we got her into my car to wait. As we waited for about another 1/2 hour, I was surprised that so many highway patrol cars passed us. Isn't this their thing? 2 women and babies stranded on the side of the road in this heat? I think we counted over 10. Is chivalry dead? Where have all the cowboys gone?When the tow truck came, out hopped this cute grandma. (I took this picture with my camera--it's pretty crappy.) She hugged Mandy and told her that everything would be o.k. She loaded the car up and we were on our way. That's right, when the going gets tough, it's GIRL POWER to the rescue!

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