Here are some things we love about you:
J--Just cereal. Joey has somehow managed to survive on a very limited diet of cereal and milk.
O--Oh, and did I mention Olives? He has a very distinguished palate. And he is also particular about the actual process of eating his olives. S--Joey is VERY STUBBORN! I can not say this enough. Yes he is...Yes he is...I said he, too... Is, too...Really...Yeah he is! (I have no idea where he got this particular personality trait.)E--Entertainer. Joey loves to be the center of attention and make everyone laugh. He usually does this by repeating inappropriate words he has heard from T.V. (not his parents) Most of the time it is in front of Grandparents or at church or somewhere that makes us cringe with horror. But he loves to see us squirm.
P--Peek-a-Boo. Joey is basically the best peek-a-boo player ever. I dare anyone to attempt to best his skills. He can compete with the masters. Not only does he have the motions and words down, but his endurance is unmatched. Long after everyone else has surrendered, he is still able to bring it. H--Helper. Joey is always looking for ways to help. He especially likes to sweep and order the dog around. Sometimes he helps by cleaning out a cupboard or emptying out a box of cereal. What would I do without him?