Thursday, January 8, 2009

Broken Bones and Dirty Diapers

Well, with 4 boys, we knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Although, we would have never guessed that it would be this boy.

Yesterday, I heard a crash in the kitchen and found Joey, Cocoa Krispies, milk and his red barstool-chair all tangled up in each other. Joey was screaming and holding his foot. 7 hours later, he was still screaming and holding his foot. He wouldn't walk on it. I called the Doctor's office and they set us up for some x-rays which came out negative for a fracture.

Fast-forward to this afternoon...Joey is still screaming and holding his now bruised and swelling foot. He has taken a few tentative steps on his heel, but is still in a lot of pain. The Doctor called and told us that the Radiologist had reviewed the x-rays and his 3rd, 4th, and 5th metatarsals are fractured. Apparently a "buckle-fracture" is hard to see from the angle of the x-ray.

Here we have Joey telling Dad to take the cast off.

And here...

Now he's telling me to take it off.

Maybe Andrew can get this thing off?

Fine, I'll have to do it myself!

This is going to be a long few weeks.


Josi said...

Ooooo, I haven't had to do a cast yet--knock on wood--poor kid, and poor mom. I am impressed that he's so color coordinated though :-) And good thing Frank was home to help with it all and not out of town this week. Good luck.

Johnson Family said...

Oh, that's too bad--poor Joey! Good luck handling it all, I'm sure you'll need it!

wende said...

we've done lots and lots of casts, but none on anyone quite so little. poor guy! i'll get used to it i think. cute photos though! i can totally feel the ute love.

Allison said...

Poor little guy! He really is a good sport...I have YET to hear him complain about it.

PS-I'm glad you took a picture of the doctor... it IS the same Dr Maxwell we go to.