Well, when James came in today, he asked me about our new bumper-sticker. I wonder how long that has been there? I have a suspicion that it was Allison who stuck it on my mini-van, but it is still just a hunch. I will need some hard evidence.
Seriously, April Fools is the funnest time of year. I will get a picture of the funny outfit James and Ben put on Allison's dog and post it.
Will the madness never end?
Dave's jealous that your blog is already fancier than ours. I imagine ours will be updated soon =). Update often, I look at them everyday!
Did you ever hear the story about the woman who was selling something on EBay and was naked when she took the picture, which was reflected on the item. Well, maybe I have been on the road too long, maybe I knew that you were in the driveway taking the picture, but I have to admit... I checked.
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