It's peach season and we are loving it. Our neighbors, the Ali's, invited us over to pick peaches since it is Ramadan and they are too tired from fasting all day to do that kind of thing. So, we got a bunch from them. Then two other neighbors showed up with big baskets full of peaches for us. How nice is that?
So, we've had peach cobbler, peach jam, peach crepes, peach shakes, peaches and milk, plain peaches...It's been great. Just when we were getting sad that we were out of peaches, Lisa Jacobs showed up with her famous peach pie!
What a treat. Thanks, neighbors the last few weeks have been just PEACHY.
I really like your peaches, want to shake your tree.
Peach season's the greatest! There's nothing like a fresh peach--this morning we'll be fighting over our last 2 peaches of the season, I'm up the earliest so I think I'll win!!
ok, i was TOTALLY going to give you the steve miller band reference but dave beat me to it! i love that song!
we love peach season around here, nothing fancy, peaches and milk is how we roll but we love it.
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